
Nanchang issues notice of online mask sales

发布时间:2020-02-14 07:39作者:贵州多籽生殖代怀

NANCHANG, Feb. 3 (Xinhuanet) -- Nanchang, capital city of east China’s Jiangxi Province, issued a notice Monday, revealing the number of online reservation for marks and its future measures of distributing those respirators.
The notice is as follow:
Online reservation for masks in Nanchang
Dear citizens:
As of 5 p.m. Feb. 2, 2020, a total of 635,003 people have reserved masks via an online platform, which was set up last Saturday to help the citizens buy masks from chain drugstores in Nanchang. We have been giving phone calls to inform those citizens according to the order of their reservation. Last weekend, we had already distributed 100,000 masks. Thank you for your understanding and support!
Please contact designated pharmacies for more information and consultation:
●Yi Feng Pharmacy for Jinxian county, Honggutan district, Nanchang economic development zone
phone number: 19979134968
●Chang Sheng Pharmacy for Nanchang county, High-tech district
phone number: 85976001
●Hong Xing Pharmacy for Xinjian district, Wanli district
phone number: 83756569
●Huangqing Renzhan Huashi Pharmacy for Xihu district, Qingyunpu district
phone number: 88222806
●Kai Xin Ren Pharmacy for Donghu district
phone number: 18702646905
●Hui Ren Tang Pharmacy for Anyi country, Qingshanhu district
phone number: 13767971816
Nanchang Medical Mask Online Reservation Platform
Feb. 2, 2020
新华网南昌2月3日电 2日,南昌发布口罩销售进展情况公告,对通过“南昌市连锁药店抗击新冠疫情口罩专项供应线上预约平台”预约口罩人数和下一步安排进行说明。具体公告如下:
江西益丰大药房连锁有限公司 负责区域:进贤县、红谷滩、经开区。咨询电话:19979134968
江西昌盛大药房有限公司 负责区域:南昌县、高新区 咨询电话:85976001
江西洪兴大药房连锁有限公司 负责区域:新建区、湾里区 咨询电话:83756569
江西黄庆仁栈华氏大药房有限公司负责区域:西湖区、青云谱区 咨询电话:88222806
江西开心人大药房连锁有限公司 负责区域:东湖区 咨询电话:18702646905
江西汇仁堂药品连锁有限公司 负责区域:安义县、青山湖区咨询电话:13767971816。


